Monday, February 15, 2010

#5 Open Topic (freewrite, 10 minutes)

This week I would like to talk about my newest venture into photography. I have started taking pictures again with all of the snow, and every time that I get into tangents like this I really start to see my true liking of taking pictures. Recently I have discovered this site named Swoopo, which is somewhat like Ebay. You do get to big on items, but you have to pay $.60 for each bid that you do place, plus you have to pay for the price of the item at the end of the bidding. Although this doesn't seem to great having to pay for bids, if you're lucky enough you can really get a good steal. Since each person that bids is literally giving 60 cents to Swoopo, just a couple hundred bids will pay for most of the items that they sell, meaning that they make a huge profit. Lately I have been watching the bidding on Digital SLR cameras, and last night I decided to buy a few bids in order to go for one of the cameras that I want. They have been going for as low as $1.22 for a camera that is worth over $700, so in reality this would be a wonderful steal for anyone that is able to be the highest bidder at the end. I ended up using almost all of my bids on this camera, and the bidding just went on forever (each time someone bids a certain amount of time gets added to the clock). Although I didn't win this camera, I really got excited with just the opportunity, and maybe I will try to do it again in the near future.

Onto different things, we have finally sent out our Save The Date cards to everyone, and I've heard back from a lot of people that they have received them. We have also picked the time and date for the wedding shower, which is coming up way too fast. We had to have it done over spring break in order for us both to attend. My professors this semester just wont let up with the busy work, and I have various things do every single week all the way up until finals. This was basically the only time that I would be able to do it, because I really hate missing class because I feel like I miss so much and the teachers are sticklers for late work and act like they don't understand that people really do have other, better things to be doing.

As I said in my last freewrite, we booked our trip to Peru on June the 28th, and I am really already getting ready for it. Like I said above, I have really stepped up my search for photography equipment that i will need (want) for my trip to Peru. I really can't wait to relax for a little and enjoy the scenery while I shoot some magnificent scenes. With all the school work recently I haven't really been able to look into the things that we will be able to do there, but Machu Picchu is definitely at the top of the list.

Allard Schmidt: "This picture was taken a...

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